建築設計師 Zaha Hadid 一貫與其充滿有機曲線造形的設計為代表,幾乎不論是什麼樣的設計案子,永遠都是~有機、曲線、有機、曲線.......。
「水」基本上具有「流動」的主要特質與屬性,而這個特徵意涵與 Zaha Hadid 的有機曲線造形風格恰好構成完美的搭配,也就是一種抽象意涵之上的「和諧」。(統一,記得嗎?)
不過話說回來,由於曲線有機造形原本就是 Zaha Hadid 的一貫作風,所以我們也無法斷定這是設計師"有意"的安排,還是她固定的個人風格所必然產生的巧合。
I'm preparing my entertainment portfolio for art center college of design, I read all of ur articles, very inspiring!! thanks for posting these amazing ideas and theories. thank you!
回覆刪除come to visit my blog if you want:)
most of my works are " working in process " ^^
Re: Nikita Chan <7810365452355584608>
回覆刪除I've read your blog but I know nothing but one about concept design.
It's a design job , not a drawing job.
Try to do some "Design" upon drawing!
And stay tune with my blog.
thanks for ur advise, certainly! but still, this question is always bothering me, is that a line between drawing and designing? im so confused. My teacher said that" while u r drawing u r not designing and when u designing will not think about drawing". i was like wth is he talking about? ==
回覆刪除Re: Nikita Chan <8629854947625284688>
回覆刪除Your teacher was right!
For example :Try to design a alien's temple ,but their God is living under ground.(Different from mankind)
And you should start to think what would the temple looks like and why?
How to make it(the design )match the Q I've gave to you.
How to make people believe your design is a "right"(or a good enough) answer ?
The thinking process in your mind is so-call "Design",once you've done your thinking and draw it out on paper or something else , the afterward job is so-call "drawing".
On the other hand ,"design" is a thinking job by our brain , "drawing" is a second job by hand & other drawing tools.
Design means to "think",drawing is just for recording what you've think and decided in your mind and show it on paper(or screen) for other people to reach.
They are totally different !
awww!! thanks for ur brilliant explanation!!! just learned a great lesson from you.
回覆刪除fosho I'll try to "think" more about the design from now on.
And theres still a long way to go to be a good designer!
Thank you again, cant wait for ur new articles! you r awesome:)
个人不喜欢扎哈的东西,觉得大部分都是意淫的产物,现有建造技术根本不可能实现其效果图中的那份轻盈和未来感。。。结果往往大多只是些厚重压抑的大块头~伴随着高造价和高维护。。。觉得她应该改行做concept art。。。
回覆刪除i love your blog, it's really inspiring!
回覆刪除Re: nancy <2745660636532306754>
回覆刪除Thanks :)
回覆刪除Re: andyzou <1696530141539181927>